Detectable Warning Systems are Making Transit Safer

Approaching an escalator, waiting at a crosswalk or standing on the platform watching the train approach; it’s likely you have seen detectable warning systems installed in these areas. Tactile walking surface indicators, (TWSI) are comprised of truncated domes or wayfinding bar tiles. These tactile warning systems, that stick just mere millimeters out of the ground’s surface, provide an easily detected warning of potential hazards.   

3 Ways Truncated Dome Tiles Make Transit Safer

Visual Path-marking Clues

Visual Pathmarking Clues

Tactile Waring panel create a clearly marked path to transit platforms; ensuring pedestrians can easily find their way. the stark contrast of the tile and it’s surrounding area ensures visibility in dim lighting conditions 

Audible Detection

Advanced truncated dome technology allows for superior audible detection. When tapped with a guidance cane, tactile warning panels create an audible distinstion from the surrounding area; alerting the visually impaired of upcoming hazards.

Audible Detection
Underfoot Detectable Warning

Underfoot Detectable Warning

Even without looking ahead pedestrians can be warned of upcoming dangers, thanks to truncated dome tiles. Felt comfortably through your shoes, tactile warning panels grab pedestrians’ attention to look up and be aware of potential hazards

What is the Purpose of Detectable Warning Systems?

Detectable warning systems play a vital role in public safety, and are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Designed to create a safe space for the visually impaired, to easily navigate without the help of others, truncated domes provide a non-visual warning of upcoming hazards.

Truncated domes and wayfinding bars that make up detectable warning systems are easily detected underfoot, or with the use of a guidance cane. The raised surfaces not only provide a non-visual clue of changes in the walkway but provide an easy to follow path, allowing persons of all abilities to easily navigate any space.

Detectable warning systems are especially helpful for fulfilling the following items:

  • Provide non-visual alerts
  • Create a safe and easy to navigate space
  • Warn of changing conditions
  • Create a safe space

How do Detectable Warnings make Transit Safer?

Detectable warning systems are especially helpful to those with low to zero vision, but prove helpful to persons of all abilities within transit facilities.

Tactile walking surface indicators (TWSI) can help guide commuters to the correct platform, as their stark contrast to the surrounding area can grab pedestrians’ attention and help guide them to the correct platform. In lowlight areas, tactile warning systems can even serve as a pathmarking and wayfinding system, as the truncated domes provide an easy to detect path.

In addition to aiding in pathmarking, truncated dome tiles serve as a non-visual warning.  The truncated domes alert the public to be aware of any upcoming changes in the path. For those without visual impairments, feeling the truncated domes underfoot can communicate to pedestrians to stop and survey the area for hazards before proceeding.

Detectable warning systems are especially important within transit facilities because of the role they play in alerting the public of drop-offs at the edge of train or subway platforms.    

Why are Detectable Warnings Required in Transit Facilities?

Transit facilities can be a tricky place to navigate for the visually impaired, especially in areas that use curb ramps. Because of the dangerous drop off at train and subway platforms, detectable warnings are crucial to maintaining the safety of transit facilities.

The use of ramps in many areas were introduced to help wheelchair-bound individuals navigate and access public spaces and board public transit. The slope between the sidewalk and curb ramps made it more difficult for the visually impaired to navigate public areas safely, as the change is slope between the walkway and ramp is difficult to detect.

Using Detectable Warnings in Transit Facilities

During the construction of a new transit facility, the installation of detectable warning systems must be considered. Cast in place truncated dome tiles may be the best ADA tile for new construction, as the detectable warning pads can be set directly into wet concrete, creating a long-lasting installation.

Surface applied truncated dome tiles are a great way to retrofit any area to include detectable warning systems.

Armor-Tile provides the ultimate solution in detectable warning systems for use in transit facilities and beyond. Available in an array of sizes, colors and installation methods, Armor-Tile’s truncated dome tiles are the cost-effective choice for creating a safer area for people with all abilities to navigate.

With over 30 years of experience in tactile warning systems, Armor-Tile offers an exceptional product with second to none customer service and knowledge of the product.

Contact a dedicated sales rep today for information on your project and to learn more about our products.